Not so perfect, not so young

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This is not funny

I saw someone slip and fall the other day. It wasn't funny. It was on an institutional-style tile floor, and it looked like it really hurt.

What was a little bit funny was that the cause of the fall was THE TINIEST PIECE OF BANANA KNOWN TO MAN. Apart from the miracle of banana detection that I witnessed, only a CSI agent would have been able to detect this infinitesimal banana morsel.

This leads me to believe that an entire banana peel would darn near kill a person.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Who are you, and what have you done with my husband - Part 2

So the guy in the middle looks a lot like Daniel. If you've never seen Daniel before, trust me, the resemblance is uncanny.

This guy got off a bus last Friday night, from a week long performance tour to B.C. with a choir from Canada and a choir from Namibia. He gave me a hug hello, so I thought it was Daniel. Several incidents have since aroused my suspicion that some sort of switch has taken place.

First, there were the elaborate secret handshake rituals between "Daniel" and Linus (the guy on the right in the picture). Then there was the brotherly affection shown by "Daniel", as he excitedly introduced me to his new friends in the African choir.

The major incident that cemented my belief that some sort of Doppelganger has taken my husband's place came after our "Connections Encore" concert last Saturday night. We had left the auditorium, and a wild drumming and dancing circle had formed in the large foyer of the church. Africans from the choir and the audience were shakin' it, small children were entering the circle and shakin' it, Canadian choir members were doing the running man -- when suddenly, a tall choir member burst into the circle doing a frantic tribal dance, limbs flailing as he leapt and capered about while the crowd cheered and applauded.

Dumbfounded, flabbergasted, I watched my husband dance.

One of the girls in the choir told me she asked him after, "Where did that come from?"

He answered, "I've had 26 years to practice."

The African choir left for home yesterday, and now I'm living with a man who's becoming more like my husband every day. I keep wondering how I can make him stay like the guy who got off the bus that night. Because that guy was really happy, and I think I could get used to having him around.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A tiny little post won't hurt. . .

Coming off the May long weekend is a bit of a challenge. I realized with horror just moments ago that it's going to be Wednesday tomorrow. Wednesday!! But how will I apply my evaluation framework to 60 highly relevant journal articles by Sunday, since my week has basically been stolen from me?!

I hope to post some pictures and video links very soon, but in the meantime, let me just say that the concerts with Mascato this weekend were amazing. Mascato is amazing. I need to say a lot more about that. Also, look for the post "Who are you, and what have you done with my husband. . . PART TWO" coming in the near future.

Back to work. Sigh.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Domestic bliss

Every relationship benefits from a little time apart. Once a year or so, Daniel and I have a week or two apart because one of us is traveling. Daniel has been away for a week, and I've actually enjoyed it quite a bit.

Things I've learned:

I sleep best when I stick to my side of the bed
My clothes look better than his do strewn across the bedroom floor
Driving to work makes every day a happy day, as compared to traveling by bus (shocker!)
I don't know how to use the lawnmower (Gas? Oil? I just want to cut the heads off the dandelions!)

Okay, so I haven't learned much.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

Nothing says "I love you, Mom" like a large beast smothering a small child.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Celebrating the little things

Sometimes surviving Monday just feels so darn good.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Time flies when you don't have time to see your family or think about anything other than your clinical placment

Oh, blog. I've missed you so much. Sad part is, I don't have much to say.

Here are some random stats about the last week of my life:

Hours spent on a bus: 9
Hours spent sleeping: about 30
Hours spent in choir rehearsals and performances: 18
Hours spent at placement: 44
Time spent crying with joy and general sentimentality: a lot
Time spent weeping miserably: way too much
Hours spent sitting on the couch doing nothing: 5 (sweet, sweet Saturday)

I had forgotten how to do nothing. On Friday, I swore that I would work hard all weekend to make sure that my next week is not as crappy as this one has been. But a comfy couch and "When Harry Met Sally" have seduced me, and I've been sitting on the couch eating salt'n'vinegar chips and sweet potato fries (home made!) all night. It's been pretty sweet.

On a totally unrelated note, I insist that you go here and watch the videos from May 2006. Look for me and Daniel in "He'll make a way"! And make sure to watch "Mascato Men".