Not so perfect, not so young

Monday, March 06, 2006


This weekend my family was in town for my little brother's soccer tournament. We went to most of the games at his last tournament, and it was a bit sad. His team was beat so badly that they stopped adding the opposing teams' goals to the scoreboard, to minimize the losing team's humiliation. This time, they won a game, and put up a good fight, losing by only a couple of points in their other games.

It was a very intense experience. We shouted ourselves hoarse, and were deafened by the cheers of the soccer parents around us. A lot of the families were francophone, so "Allez-y!!!!!" mixed in with our "GO GO GO!!!" I love Canada. And I can't wait to be a soccer parent, because based on my observations, I can then 1) bleach my hair and wear it too long for my age, 2) wear a pink winter coat with a faux fur collar, and 3) carry a Timmy Ho cup everywhere I go.

My brother's soccer skills have really improved lately, and he scored some very nice goals. Daniel took some video clips of the games, and my brother spent a LOT of time reviewing them at home afterward. This confirmed what I have long suspected: we are officially the most narcissistic family of all time.


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